Ronny Almenning
RMA Invest AS
Local industrial investor with 30 years’ experience in the seafood industry, with expertise in processing.
Local industrial investor with 30 years’ experience in the seafood industry, with expertise in processing.
Olav Refvik
Nordfjord AS
Well-known investor with many years’ background from Morgan Stanley (USA). Recently investing in several Norwegian start-ups.
Well-known investor with many years’ background from Morgan Stanley (USA). Recently investing in several Norwegian start-ups.
Andreas Haugen
A H Holding AS
Former owner and CEO of Andenes Havfiskeselskap and a successful investor in a wide range of sectors. More than 30 years of experience from operating and building technically advanced fishing vessels.
Former owner and CEO of Andenes Havfiskeselskap and a successful investor in a wide range of sectors. More than 30 years of experience from operating and building technically advanced fishing vessels.
Jon Ove Stokke
CEO, Director
Local investor with 30 years experience in international sales and marketing of salmon and other seafood.
Local investor with 30 years experience in international sales and marketing of salmon and other seafood.
Bodil Utvik Lynge
Greipa AS
Msc Economics. Local investor, co-owner and former CEO in Nor Seafoods AS. More than 15 years of experience in seafood sales and marketing.
Msc Economics. Local investor, co-owner and former CEO in Nor Seafoods AS. More than 15 years of experience in seafood sales and marketing.
Johan Oksholen
Noas Invest AS
Local investor, co-owner and sales manager in Nor Seafoods AS. More than 25 years of experience in the seafood sector.
Local investor, co-owner and sales manager in Nor Seafoods AS. More than 25 years of experience in the seafood sector.
Arild Aarvik
Carisma Fish AS
Local investor and holder of several directorships in the seafood Industry. Life-long experience from fishery industry in Norway - from catch to export.
Local investor and holder of several directorships in the seafood Industry. Life-long experience from fishery industry in Norway - from catch to export.
The OFS Group is developed by investors with extensive experience in successfully developing seafood companies