Feeding a population of 10 billion by 2050 without ruining our already strained environment has been recognised as one of the greatest challenges of our time. Putting fish back on the menu, and doing so by increasing the output of effective aquaculture, will be key solutions for a sustainable future.
The OFS group of companies support the United Nations´s Sustainable Development Goals. Our investors and customers expect nothing less. Through our careful choice of technology, suitable aquaculture sites, frugal use of water- and feed resources, as well as a range of other measures, we strive to support and achieve the sustainability goals while offering seafood of the highest quality.




Feeding a population of 10 billion by 2050 without ruining our already strained environment has been recognised as one of the greatest challenges of our time. Putting fish back on the menu, and doing so by increasing the output of effective aquaculture, will be key solutions for a sustainable future.
The OFS group of companies support the United Nations´s Sustainable Development Goals. Our investors and customers expect nothing less. Through our careful choice of technology, suitable aquaculture sites, frugal use of water- and feed resources, as well as a range of other measures, we strive to support and achieve the sustainability goals while offering seafood of the highest quality.